While loop matlab
While loop matlab

while loop matlab while loop matlab

The loop will execute for the n times, where n is considered to be the number of columns for valArray, which is given by numel(valArray, 1, :).

while loop matlab

It is used to create an index of subsequent columns vector from a particular array, for instance: on the initial iteration, index = valArray (:, 1). Example:Input: for b = 1:10 fprintf(‘value of b: %d\n’, b) endOutput: value of b: 1 value of b: 2 value of b: 3 value of b: 4 value of b: 5 value of b: 6 value of b: 7 value of b: 8 value of b: 9 value of b: 10 This value function can be used to increase the index variable that is incremented by 1 from initval to endval, and this will repeat the execution of the code statements until the index has greater value than endval. Here, the values can be of any one kind among these three values that are listed below: initval:endval: Otherwise, the expression is considered to be false. When an expression is taken as true, then the result of it is nonempty, and it has the nonzero element that might be real or logical numeric.

while loop matlab

It always checks the condition of the loop body before executing it. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.It is used to repeat the number of statements or a statement when the given condition is true. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing, Georgia Southern University Users are encouraged to work through the following suggested exercises: Write a statement till given condition is satisfiedĭisplay numbers from a Start Count to an End Count (specified by the user) While Loops Primer Writing simple while loops Users are encouraged to read through the following primer: The repetition stops when the given condition is false.Įxample application: Coach to team – “Run around this field if you can (are not tired or injured) and keep running till you cannot do so anymore (are tired or injured).” A while loop is an iteration structure that repeats a set of instructions over and over again as long as a given condition is true.

While loop matlab